Project 11-3

Go to TrueCrypt, click "Download" at the tab section for that website.
Download "Window Vista/XP/2000", then install the .exe file.
This software typically create a container into a drive which encrypts your folder/file. How to create a container may take awhile to understand the steps:
  1. Click "Create Volume".
  2. Choose "Create a file container", then next.
  3. Choose "Standard TrueCrypt volume", then next.
  4. Click "Select File" and choose a desired name and location for your new container., click next.
  5. In this section, you are allowed to use different kind Symmetric encryption format, for this project i tried out "AES", click next.
  6. Choose your volume size for the container, click next.
  7. Make a volume password, this is used to secure your container, click next.
  8. Now it will start to strengthen the encryption keys, move your mouse often will help.
  9. Click format and you are done with creating of the container.
How to use the container to test it out:
  1. Select a empty drive as listed in the slide bar.
  2. Click "Select File", navigate to the location you saved your container.
  3. Click "Mount", you will then be prompt for the volume password.
  4. Now you can start transfer private information into that drive in "My Computer"

Anything that is being transfer into the encryption drive will be encrypted including files that have EFS on it. Try transfing a file that had been encrypted by EFS into the encryption volume. The file will then be loaded even slower as 2 encrypting is being done when its being opened.

Top: Shows an encryption for an entire drive block.

Comparing both EFS and TrueCrypt, if i am a typically user i will choose EFS as it is easier to use. The advantage of having both will increase the thickness of secure level for your private information, but encrypted a file that is frequently use may result in slower performance.

P1062344 posted during Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 11:48 AM

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